With your help, I will be making the move to The Bronx in 2026. I invite you to join me in fulfilling God's call to be a missionary among the disabled community in this area of New York City and beyond. The city at large has good resources and infrastructure for someone like me to do ministry more easily, including its easily accessible public transit system for the most part.
The Bronx has the highest percentages of disabled people living in New York City, at 13.7%. Also, the property rate in The Bronx is the highest of the other 5 boroughs, at 27.6% compared to 18.3% citywide.
This Combination of being the birth place of Hip Hop and the new Mott international Film Festival, along with its thriving art scene, has pinpointed the hopes of making The South Bronx as the best place for to center Fallen Walls. This wonderful and unique place is where by God's grace, we will plant our first disabled-led church, a beautiful community that will hopefully be a models for this type of community in other parts of the city, the US and the world.